Calendar Of Prayer

Welcome to a new venture from Break The Silence Sunday…

We have gathered a writing group of diverse voices. The writers are survivors & allies; clergy & laity; United Church of Christ & members of other faith traditions; across the spectrum of gender, sexuality, race, and culture. Author biographies are given, as available, with each prayer.

The group is, of course, not as diverse as it could be, and we are always looking for others who might write for us, speaking to their particular context and understanding of being supported as a survivor & supporting survivors in life, and particular in faith communities. If you’re interested in writing, please be in touch with Pastor Moira Finley at the email address below.

Some of these prayers will easily fit within the liturgy of a faith community’s time for worship. Other prayers are much more suited to times of small group reflection such as Bible studies and adult education programs. Still other prayers will be best suited to personal devotion time, connecting individuals with the struggles and strengths of survivors.

Please know that some of these prayers contain explicit language. Use care and caution when using them in any setting where a survivor might be present (and that’s every setting you can imagine).

Do your prep work to make sure that individuals, or any group you would use the prayers with, are aware of the content, have sufficient trigger and content warnings, have a way to excuse themselves if the material becomes too much for them to bear, and have a way to receive pastoral care and support.

Make sure you know your local area resources such as the rape crisis center, and have their contact information ready before you use the prayers.

You can always provide the contact information for:

Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN) at 800-656-4673 and for live chat support

Trevor Project at 866-488-7386, by text at 678-678, and online at

The prayers are presented in no particular order.

All prayers copyright of Break The Silence Sunday & the individual authors. Please use appropriate attribution when reproducing prayers in print, online, and in other media.

Questions? Want to write with us?
Contact Pastor Moira Finley at

Click below to download the PDF

listen here for Christopher Grundy’s “I Have Called You By Name”